Answer to the Virtual Hetty Eliot

Is it something worth saying?  Yes, I think so, but that judgement is entirely subjective.  All things are subjective in the objective world.  How can objective and subjective obtain at the same moment an atom moves?  Yet, over time we have shifted this contradiction into the wonderful world of the paradox.  More than any other […]

Life is Long

Dear Duke, Thank you for submitting to The New Yorker. Although we won’t be carrying your work in the magazine, we are grateful for the opportunity to read and consider it. Sincerely, Kevin Young, Poetry Editor Hannah Aizenman, Associate Poetry Editor Jan told me it was an honor to hear back from the New Yorker, even […]


The days are passing.  Things will never be the same, too much weirdness; moments masquerading as dead people asking for things I don’t have.  Life at night and I go outside to wander in the heat or the cold, it matters not, since opposites are discomforts, at least on my rung of life, and I’ve […]